Formative Assessment Design 2.0

screen-shot-2015-05-25-at-9-45-04-pmDriving design based upon assessment was the goal with my Formative Assessment Design 2.0  project. Within this creation I have taken assessment ideas and practices from Lorrie A. Shepard, Ruth Dann, and Richard Marzano into account and used them to help me create an assessment that was student-centered. I mention their ideas roles within my creation because they were very instrumental in the concepts used to create a space for students that fostered student-centered learning, while focusing on feedback and motivational practices to drive instruction.

As my research these past few weeks has led me to look deeper into using CMS platforms to build an assessment such as the one created, I have found that in some ways my design and own ways of thinking have changed in regards to what platform best serves student need. That being said, what I’ve found is that it’s not so much which one is the best, rather how you interject your role as a teacher into it and the mindfulness you allow your students through the assignments and assessments created. It is also how you plan to use the space to then help students achieve their learning goals.

It is with these new found ideas that I offer up the opportunity to look at the reasoning, or true backbone, as to the assessment I’ve created for an essay writing unit within my Formative Design 2.0. Within the link below you will gain more of an idea of what reasoning I choose to incorporate the design, feedback, instruction, and communication practices into my assessment and how I foresee them driving instruction.

Click here for my thoughts: Formative Assessment Design 2.0

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